Saturday, September 18, 2010


OHMYGOSH--everything went sooooo well! We really felt everyone's prayers! Deo gratias!
We really experienced the power of Fr. Alberione's "Pact with the Lord" to multiply our time.

All in one day filmed:

Fr. Jeff SSP--Fr. Alberione & future of media
Fr. Tom SSP (from IRELAND)--Alberione and families and HFI
Fr. Mike Harrington IGS--Alberione and the (diocesan) priesthood and IGS
Sr. Margaret PDDM (from PHILIPPPINES)--Alberione and the liturgy, PDDM and contemplation
Sr. Titiana PDDM (from ITALY)--recollections of Alberione, mission of PDDM
Zsolt and Eva Znagykaldi (from HUNGARY)--Alberione and married/family life as HFI

Then....a BAZILLION HFI members (many with their kids) telling why they like most about Alberione, how he has changed their lives, what he has to say to families today. These HFI member are incredibly PROFOUND. So many varied insights into Alberione. Very moving.


Sr. Helena Raphael FSP & Crew

Special thanks to:
Sr. Mary Antoinette FSP, Sr. Margaret Charles FSP, Sr. Catherine Bernadette FSP, Sr. Nancy Michael FSP, Sr. Margaret Joseph FSP, Sr. Mary Peter FSP, Dan Coulter HFI (chauffer!), Fr. Mike Harrington (chauffer!), Bill and Madeline Perales HFI (Happy 35th Wedding Anniversary!), Maronite Antonine Sisters--OH, Society of St. Paul--OH, Our Lady of Lebanon Shrine--OH, all the interviewees, and the list just goes on and on....

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